When thinking about robots, they often think of machines with artificial intelligence capabilities. At some point, artificial intelligence has the power to launch and overtake people as they learn and grow.

Aside from the history of science fiction, what most people don’t realize is that robots have been around for a very long time, and in many cases not as they think. There are various types of robot technology.

Some of these are mobile robots that Amazon uses in-person distribution centers, or assistants are now walking around some Target and Lowe stores.

But it’s not just the physical robots that are placed on blue-collar employees that allow business. There are other much less important robots that many organizations already use to increase employee productivity exponentially in the role of white collar.

Automated Process Automation (RPA) is a place where software robots interact with existing businesses and web applications to automate processes within the enterprise wall. Using RPA gives employees many benefits, including the freedom to focus on productive work rather than repetitive work.

Today, these robots are smarter and easier to deploy, so routine tasks such as adjusting financial data in spreadsheets and submitting HR documents are a thing of the past.

This allows employees to focus on analyzing current data, making strategic decisions that benefit customers and companies, and driving top-line growth, thus driving employee engagement strategies.

Manual labor is a productive torpedo.

Every employee, from finance to IT billing, suffers from repetitive manual work. On average, administrators spend two full days a week on management activities, with approximately $ 575 billion annually spent on administrative work in the United States.

Millennial employees earn $ 40,000 a year in doing their favorite job, rather than doing a boring job at $ 100,000 a year. Many manual tasks have inherent risks, which can result from delays in unnecessary burden processing, staff time, ambiguity, boredom, and release leading to mistakes, mistakes, and tasks. Until.

Not only that, but when employees don’t have time, employees are less likely to develop ideas and make decisions that can affect the overall health of the organization.

When brands are looking for new ways to gain competitiveness and increase customer and employee loyalty, it is important to apply the right technology to free employees from the most tedious and common aspects of their work. More important than ever, many find their freedom in robotic.

A new type of vehicle is supporting the learning curve.

With the help of robotics, brands are paving the way for employees to change the way they work. According to a recent report, 70% of IT decision makers say that robotics became important just last year.

In this increase, some robotic solutions have become “plug and play”.

Instead of creating from scratch, it is pre-built, has best-practice process knowledge, and can be easily configured by business users. This makes it more accessible, easier and faster to deploy, and more cost effective.

As robotics become mainstream, by 2020, automated robotic processing is expected to reduce staffing obligations at shared service centers by 65%. This not only increases speed, efficiency and accuracy but also gives pleasant bandwidth to generate ideas that ultimately benefit both customers and bottom line.

One area where this is clear enough is financial professionals. While there is a 93% chance that their role will be automated in the next 20 years, many accountants are afraid of this putting them in the unemployment line, but in fact automation is good news.

Most accountants are obsessed with ERP processes such as invoicing, reconciliation manuals, and data entry, all preventing the use of financial data to make strategic recommendations about the business.

With RPA, robots perform manual repetitive tasks, reducing the burden on processes such as revenue recognition. Ultimately, the finance team can approach the 80/20 model. .

How robotic technology provides real value.

However, to get these benefits, companies need to develop appropriate strategies. According to Gartner, by 2019, only 50% of organizations will realize the impact of process automation in the form of top 50 growth.

Why? Too many companies mistakenly focus on work and staff reductions. Unfortunately, this idea only limits the power of RPA. Aviv will bring real benefits.

By admin

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